UTFacultiesEEMCSEventsNational final of the Beaver Contest

National final of the Beaver Contest

On Saturday, 18 March, the University of Twente will receive more than 400 young talents from all over the country on campus. UT will then host the national final round of the Beaver Contest (Beverwedstrijd).

The Beaver Contest (Bebras Challenge) is a computer science competition organized in more than 60 countries for students aged 10 to 18 years. The competition aims to motivate students of all ages for computer science, and to let them discover their interest and talent for computer science and computational thinking.

The first rounds took place at primary and secondary schools across the country. During the competition, students work on interactive puzzles that have a direct link to computer science topics such as algorithms, structures, information processing and logical thinking. The students with the highest scores will now participate in the national final round at UT.

Students from group 7-8, class 1-2, class 3-4 and class 5-6 are invited to the final. The final day of the Beaver Competition is organized by the national organization of the Beaver Competition in collaboration with the bachelor programme Technical Computer Science.