Hermie Hermens

Full name: Prof.dr.ir. H.J. Hermens
E-mail: h.j.hermens@utwente.nl
UT people pages:  https://people.utwente.nl/h.j.hermens

Department of Biomedical Signals and Systems (BSS)
Telemedicine Cluster 
Room: Zuidhorst 224
Phone: +31 (0)53 489 2761
Fax: +31 (0)53 489 2287

LinkedIn page prof. Hermie Hermens Twitter @HermieHer



Prof. Dr. Ir. Hermie J. Hermens studied biomedical engineering at the University of Twente, then became head of the research group at Roessingh, Centre for Rehabilitation. In 1990 he was co-founder and first director of RRD. He did his PhD on surface EMG, became professor in Neuromuscular Control (2001) and later (2010) professor in Telemedicine. Currently he supervises 15 PhD students. 26 PhD students finished under his (co)supervision.

He is (co) author of over 280 peer reviewed publications and his work was cited over 13000 times (H-index 55). He coordinated three succesfully completed European projects (Seniam, Crest, and Impulse), is coordinator of the recently acknowledged European project COUCH (ranked 4th of 188 proposals), and co-acquired and participated in over 25 other European projects in the area of surface EMG, functional electrical stimulation and ICT. He is fellow and past president of the Int. Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), editor in chief of the JBMR and coordinator of the Seniam group leading to the first surface EMG recommendations. His present research is focused on combining Biomedical Engineering with ICT to create new end-to-end Telemedicine applications for people with chronic disorders


projectS (selection)

(Click on a picture to open the corresponding project website)

Read more on:  http://council-of-coaches.eu/

Read more on: http://ewallproject.eu/

Read more on:  https://perssilaa.com/

Read more on:  http://www.goal-h2020.eu/ .


(Click on a picture to open the text)

Agenda voor Nederland- Inspired by Technology

Auteur of chapter "Personalized Health" on page 33 (In Dutch)   

UT Nieuws
(November 2015)
Article about the Centre of Monitoring and Coaching (In Dutch)

5G Outlook- Innovations and Applications (Book 2016)

Auteur of chapter "5G for personalized health and ambient assisted living

" on page 195 

Publications (selection)

A rather complete overview of the publications and some relevant statistics can be found at Research Gate:

Research gate:

Other relevant information:

Google scholar:

Publications University of Twente: