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first MCEC Joint Doctorate degree

Extensive collaboration between Jeroen Vollenbroek (UT) and Anne-Eva Nieuwelink (UU) leads to first MCEC Joint Doctorate degree

On Friday January 24, the first ever joint doctorate degree of the MCEC Research Center was granted to Jeroen Vollenbroek. Jeroen Vollenbroek received his PhD degree from both University of Twente and Utrecht University.

The PhD thesis of Jeroen Vollenbroek proofed a fine marriage between microreactor technology and catalysis. Each chapter is based on the collaboration between Prof. Albert van den Berg from the BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip group of the University of Twente and Prof. Bert Weckhuysen from the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group of Utrecht University.

The thesis was realized in collaboration with Anne-Eva Nieuwelink who, like Jeroen Vollenbroek, conducts research at the Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC).

Microreactor Technology and Catalysis
Jeroen Vollenbroek: ‘The aim of the thesis was to develop microreactors using droplet microfluidics for the high-throughput screening of single catalyst microparticles. Together with Anne-Eva (Nieuwelink) we developed microreactors in which catalyst particles can be screened for their catalytic activity and the most active particles can be sorted out.'

Please find more information about the thesis of Jeroen Vollenbroek, entitled 'Microreactors for single catalyst particle diagnostics – Measuring catalytic activity at high-throughput in multi-phase flows', on the website of University of Twente.

Please visit mcec-researchcenter.nl for more information about the MCEC consortium and catalysis research.

see also: : http://mcec-researchcenter.nl/extensive-collaboration-between-jeroen-vollenbroek-ut-and-anne-eva-nieuwelink-uu-leads-to-first-mcec-joint-doctorate-degree/


Uitgebreide samenwerking tussen Jeroen Vollenbroek (UT) en Anne-Eva Nieuwelink (UU) leidt tot eerste MCEC Joint Doctorate degree

Op vrijdag 24 januari heeft Jeroen Vollenbroek een gezamenlijk docoraat behaald. Jeroen Vollenbroek is zowel aan de Universiteit Twente als aan de Universiteit Utrecht gepromoveerd.

Het proefschrift van Jeroen Vollenbroek getuigt van een mooi huwelijk tussen microreactortechnologie en katalyse. Ieder hoofdstuk is gebaseerd op de samenwerking tussen Prof. Albert van den Berg van de BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip group van de Universiteit Twente en Prof. Bert Weckhuysen van de Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Het proefschrift is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met Anne-Eva Nieuwelink die net als Jeroen Vollenbroek onderzoek doet bij het Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC).

Microreactortechnologie en Katalyse
Jeroen Vollenbroek: 'The aim of the thesis was to develop microreactors using droplet microfluidics for the high-throughput screening of single catalyst microparticles. Together with Anne-Eva (Nieuwelink) we developed Microreactors in which catalyst particles can be screened for their catalytic activity and the most active particles can be sorted out.'

Meer informatie over het proefschrift van Jeroen Vollenbroek, getiteld 'Microreactors for single catalyst particle diagnostics – Measuring catalytic activity at high-throughput in multi-phase flows', is te vinden op de website van de Universiteit Twente.

Kijk op mcec-researchcenter.nl voor meer informatie over het MCEC consortium en katalyseonderzoek.