- Farewell Albert van den BergFarewell Albert van den Berg September 27th 2024Read more
- Rubicon grant for Ruben KolkmanRuben Kolkman, former researcher at the University of Twente, receives a Rubicon grant to spend two years conducting pioneering research on keeping the amount of nutrients and waste products equal in organs-on-a-chip platforms at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Kolkman is one of 14 recently promoted researchers to receive funding from NWO and ZonMW. The Rubicon grant allows young, highly promising researchers to further develop as scientists at a top university abroad.Read more
- Farewell Albert van den Berg
- Rubicon grant for Ruben Kolkman
- Bergveldlecture by prof. Dave Weitz: “Droplet microfluidics for ultra-high throughput screening and super-sensitive detection“
- Featured article in Microsystems & Nanoengineering
- NIAS-Lorentz Theme Group 2025
- Hille Torenvlied won posterprize for research in male sexual function/dysfunction
- SAVE-THE-DATE April 6th 2023
- FAREWELL Wouter Olthuis
- Dasha Bugakova won the MESA+ photo contest
- ERC Starting Grant for three UT scientists
- Cum Laude for Nienke van Dongen
- Nienke van Dongen won the Spotlight price