
  • Study (Courses)
    • Faculty of Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
      J.H. Stout MSc (Jaap)
      Exchange Coordinator | BMS

      L.A. Sander MSc (Lotte)
      Incoming Exchange and International Affairs Coordinator
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Sciences
      J. Rijken (Jitske)
      Exchange Coordinator | EEMCS
    • Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
      G.F.B. Leurink (Brigitte)
      Exchange and Internationalization officer
    • Faculty of Engineering Technology
      T. Smits (Tahnee)
      Exchange Coordinator | ET
    • Faculty of Science and Technology
      S. Kotter MA (Sarah)
      Exchange Coordinator, Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Internships/Placement/Traineeship
    • Faculty of Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
      A. van der Grijspaarde (Annemieke)
      International Student Support Officer
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Sciences
      W.P.M. Klieverik (Wendie)
      Internship Coordinator faculty EEMCS
    • Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
      B. Jaarsma - Knol (Belinda)
    • Faculty of Engineering Technology
      R. van der Stigchel (Roxanne)
      Internship Coordinator ME MSc & SET MSc
    • Faculty of Science and Technology
      K.E. Velthuis BSc (Kim)
      Internship coordinator CS&E, AP and NT

      drs. A.E.J. Hogeling (Annet)
      internship coordinator BME
  • Graduation
    • Faculty of Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
    • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
      Educational Affairs
    • Faculty of Engineering Technology
      Bachelor Industrial Design and Civil Engineering
      E.D. van Oosterzee - Nootenboom (Ellen)
      Coördinator Bachelor Theses Civil Engineering & Industrial Design
      Bachelor and Master Mechanical Engineering
      A.F. Heutink (Adelien)
      Programme coordinator Master Mechanical Engineering
      Master Industrial Engineering
      E.C.M. Luijkx MSc (Elora)
      Coordinator Pre-Masters Faculty ET & Master Industrial Design Engineering
      Master Civil Engineering
      M. Hamhuis (Michelle)
      Management Assistant, Educational Support, ET Faculty
      Sustainable Energy Technology
      K.G.M. Braakhuis LLM (Kristel)
      Programme coordinator master Sustainable Energy Technology (SET)
    • Faculty of Science and Technology
      drs. A.E.J. Hogeling (Annet)
      internship coordinator BME
  • Centre for Education Support - Scholarship Office
    Scholarship Office and International Relations & Partnerships