The Twente University Centre for Cybersecurity Research is happy to announche two additional Cybersecurity PhD vacancies.
Federated Monitoring and Automated Response
Real-time monitoring is essential to quickly detect cybersecurity threats. The complexity and dynamic way in which modern distributed environments operate pose a challenge to existing tools for real-time monitoring.
The goal of this PhD project is to research novel methodologies to monitor distributed environments, aiming at threat detection and correlation of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) for threat response strategies.
understanding the current state of cybersecurity with the help of macro and micro level indicators
A rational security decision for a firm level should result in maximum organizational utility. Unfortunately, security managers need to constantly take decisions under uncertain circumstances and constrained budgets in order to make their organizations cyber safe.
This PhD position focuses on designing socio-economic measurement tools and developing metrics for security variables. Which in turn can help managers in making security investment decisions.