TUCCR Minisymposium May 20th 2022

May 20th, 11:00-14:00, Erlenmeyer, The GAllery, University of Twente

Boosting Cybersecurity Innovation and Entrepreneurship

During this year's DIES, Jaya Baloo will receive an honorary doctorate in the area of cybersecurity. In her new role as honorary doctor, Jaya will act as the "ambassador for the University of Twente and the Twente University Centre for Cybersecurity (TUCCR)". To celebrate this, TUCCR organizes the "Boosting Cybersecurity Innovation and Entrepreneurship" mini symposium on the 20th of May. This event is an excellent opportunity to meet Jaya in person and discuss with her directions for future cybersecurity research.


Jaya Baloo - Honorary Doctor

Cybersecurity-expert Jaya Baloo will receive her honorary doctorate. As one of the world’s most prominent experts on cybersecurity, she is currently the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Avast, a big global player in the field of information security and antivirus software.

Sandro Etalle - Keynote Speaker

Sandro Etalle leads the Security group at Eindhoven University of Technology. With two PhD students, Etalle founded the company SecurityMatters, bringing the result of their research to the market, and at the same time providing a source for insights into how cybersecurity evolves in real life, leading to new research challenges. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Amsterdam, Assistant Professor at the universities of Genova (Italy), Maastricht and Twente, where he leads the spearhead program on Security. Etalle is one of the authors of the Dutch ‘National Cyber Security Research Agenda’, he has been leader of several national and EU projects, and program chair of several international conferences.

Chris van ’t Hof - Day Chairman

Chris van ’t Hof is an independent researcher, writer and presenter in information technology, you may recognize him from the TUCCR Opening in 2021. With his background in both electrical engineering and sociology, he analyses the interaction between human and electronic networks. His eighth book came out in March 2016: “Helpful Hackers. How the Dutch do Responsible Disclosure.” His company Tek Tok organises conferences, workshops and IT security training. As secretary of the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure, he helps ethical hackers to clean up the Internet for free. He also has his own talk show: Hack Talk.

Picture of Jaya Baloo
Picture of Sandro Etalle
Picture of Chris van 't Hof



Cybersecurity Needs in the Netherlands

Boosting Cybersecurity Innovation and Entrepreneurship


The amount of seats is limited, seating will be done on a first come-first serve basis.

Interested in joining the TUCCR Minisymposium on May 20th?
Register here!


The Symposium will take place in the Erlenmeyer room of the Gallery building at the University of Twente.

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Overnight stay

Have you visited the INTERSCT Symposium or ACCSS General Assembly and want to stay in Enschede to visit the TUCCR Minisymposium? There are multiple option on and around the campus to plan an overnight stay.

More information on the overnight stay page