UTVrijhof CultureCalenderWorkshop: Making Jewelry out of Plastic Trash
(c) Pou-Belle Design
(c) Pou-Belle Design
(c) Pou-Belle Design

Workshop: Making Jewelry out of Plastic Trash Elze van den Akker

Plastic trash is dirty and you want to get rid of it, jewelry is precious and cherished. That is the common thought. But can you make jewelry from plastic trash and love it as much as real jewelry? 

In this workshop you learn to see plastic trash in a different way. As raw materials. By molding and adding to the plastic with heat, scissors, sandpaper and embroidery techniques you can change the material from being dirty, ugly and an environmental disaster to beautiful, precious and valuable. 

Elze van den Akker, the teacher and artist, will bring all the materials that are needed to make stunning jewelry but of course you are very welcome to bring your own plastic trash. 

Registration starts at Monday 11 March 2019.


Pou-Belle Design presents: Waste in the Window

From Wednesday 20 March up Monday 22 April inclusive you can see  the art and design Elze makes out of trash at the expo Waste in the Window in the Spiegel building.  


Students with UnionCard€ 17,50
Employees University of Twente€ 17,50
Workshop: Making Jewelry out of Plastic Trash Elze van den Akker