Monsters and Monarchs The Ginger Shakespeare Company

Four actors will bring you England’s rich and rebellious history of Monsters and Monarchs, all fighting for the one object of absolute power: England’s Hollow Crown.

Experience the War of the Roses through ten of Shakespeare’s (in)famous history plays in a quick paced, humorous and above all, educational performance by a new generation of Shakespearean experts. Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more! Starting with Edward the third and following the struggle that follows the untimely death of his son and heir. Let’s talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs. Let’s talk of a band of brothers. Let’s talk of the winter of our discontent. Let’s talk… of Shakespeare

This brand new Shakespeare covers no less than 10 history plays, following the crown through generations of monarchs. Or monsters. That all depends on your point of view.
In a time of fake news and twitter-politics, MONSTERS & MONARCHS takes a look at history through the eyes of the bard.

Plays covered in the performance:
Edward III, Richard II, Henry IV (part I and II), Henry V, Henry VI (part I, II, III), Richard III and Henry VIII.

Members of The Ginger Shakespeare Company

Tom Dello

Tom has a Masters degree in Performing Shakespeare from Bath Spa University in the UK. He performed at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London and has directed several Shakespearean plays over the last few years both in Dutch as in English. He also is a recurring guest teacher at Utrecht University of the Arts (HKU) and Bath Spa University.

Cézanne Tegelberg 

Cézanne graduated from East 15 Acting School in London. She has her own theatre company called Theatre of Entanglement. She is an accomplished bilingual actress, director and teacher with different English theatre productions.

Tom Eijkelhof

Tom, another East 15 Acting School graduate, is a versatile bilingual actor working with theatre companies like The Orange Tea Company and Theatre of Entanglement.

Nina van der Mark

Nina has proven herself to be a competent theatremaker, actor and designer graduating from Utrecht School of Arts with a bachelor degree in Theatre and Education and a Masters degree in Fine Arts Scenography. She is specialized in object and puppet theare, and art in public space.

Maike Pijnappel

Maike is graduating from Utrecht School of Arts as a theatremaker and teacher. She did a full-time internship at Bath Spa University working with English theatre and specializing in Shakespeare. 


Chosen as their inspiration night by the international group of theatre association NEST (a.k.a interNESTional), Bellettrie and Fanaat; all members have free acces! 


Students€ 5,-
Employees University of Twente€ 7,50,-
Others€ 12,50,-
Monsters and Monarchs The Ginger Shakespeare Company