After this course you will know what your tasks and obligations as PC are, what your role in (the improvement of) the quality of the programme is, and what you as PC can do in practice to achieve this goal.
The Programme Committee (PC, in Dutch OLC = Opleidingscommissie) has an important and formal role in safeguarding and improving the quality of education in a programme. But what does this entail in practice? In this two hour workshop we will give an overview of the specific role and tasks of the Programme Committee, how to operate in daily practice and how you can cooperate with other parties involved in your programme. Topics like ‘what is a PC for’, ‘should we discuss course evaluations’, ‘how can we cooperate with the programme director’, ‘what role can students play in improving the quality of education’ will be discussed, as will ‘what is good education’ and ‘effective meetings’. In addition there is ample time for your personal questions.
- PC according to the Dutch Law on Higher Education (WHW)
- Goals of the PC
- Work of PC in practice
- How to give advice
- Characteristics of good education
This course is specifically aimed at (new) members of the Programme Committee – students, staff and PhD-students - or those who will be a member in the near future. In addition, this course can also be of interest for programme coordinators, programme directors and quality assurance employees. Individual members can participate.
In addition, a tailormade course can be organised for one Programme Committee; if you are interested in this, please contact CELT.