Internship and study abroad


Depending on your specialization you have the choice to incorporate an 192199968 internship CS (20EC) into your programme. In general this will result in a 3,5 month (maximum 4 months) full time internship project at a company. There is also an option to do your graduation at at a company, in that case the duration, rules and regulations of the Final Project apply. Note. if you take the 20EC internship, your Final Project needs to be carried out at the UT or another university/research institution, it is not allowed to complete both at a company. More information on how to go about finding and carrying out an internship can be found on the website of the EEMCS Internship Office and (Internship Canvas). 

Study abroaD

A student is allowed to study up to 30 credits externally. To gain international experience a student is given the chance to go abroad to another university or institute to follow courses or doing projects. The choice of courses or projects has to be within the limits of the course programme rules and be approved by the programme mentor in the same way as the other parts of the programme.

Carrying out a internship abroad is one way of gaining international experience. In some cases it is possible to carry out the final project abroad under joint supervision, where the lead in supervision will always be taken by a chair of the Computer Science department. Our faculty has agreements with partner universities and institutes to accommodate students smoothly. Information about going abroad to partner or non-partner universities/ institutes, the procedures and the possibilities of financial support can be found on the Study abroad website and via our exchange coordinator.