Cyber Security

Our society critically depends on cyber space for almost everything, including banking, transport & logistics, air travel, energy, telecommunications, flood defences, health care, email, social networks, and even warfare. The consequences of cyber security failures could be disastrous and the demand for cyber security specialists is therefore high and rising. The cyber security master specialization offers computer science master students the opportunity to become such a highly sought after cyber security specialist.

Cyber security Programme 2024-2025

The programme consists of:

More information on the previous version, including the collaboration with the TUD, can be found in our archive or the Education and Examination Regulations of previous years. 

Core courses Computer Science 

The following courses are mandatory for all Computer Science Cyber Security students:

Core courses Cyber Security

The following 4 courses are mandatory:

Advanced cyber security courses

At least 4 courses should be chosen out of the following:

Profiling space

Suggested Electives:

EIT Digital & SPECTRO Cyber security

The requirements for the specialization in Cyber Security can also be fulfilled by completing the Cyber security programme EIT Digital & SPECTRO, one year of which takes place at the University of Twente.

The entry year of EIT Digital & SPECTRO Cyber Security follows the rules for the Master’s programme in Computer Science. The total amount of credits during the entry year must be at least 60 EC. The exit year is completed at a partner university and will consist of at least a graduation project and a minor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E). 


Core courses

The following course is mandatory to all CS students:

the following 9 courses are mandatory for EIT entry year students:

Advanced and profiling courses

At least 2 courses must be chosen out of the following advanced courses, elective I&E courses, or other suggested cyber security electives (see regular Cybsec programme):

Advanced courses

Elective Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) courses


The following parts are mandatory:

For the remainder of the 60EC, the student needs to pick at least 15 EC from the following courses:

Programme mentor F.W. Hahn (Florian)
Programme mentor Cyber Security


S.S. Spuls MSc (Sanne)
Study adviser Master Computer Science

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