Over a hundred second year students Creative Technology presented their project ’Hybrid Worlds’. In this project, students build an installation that showcases the interplay between data in the physical world and the digital world. After writing their report and developing a concept, they had two weeks in DesignLab to realise the outcomes.
It went from a creative and ‘gezellige’ chaos, to a space with multisensory experiences that create awareness around different societal challenges. Stories about consumer behaviour in different countries and fashion waste, the effects of CO2 emissions in our oceans, and the true cost of drug production and consumption: This is just a selection of showcases that encourages the audience to discuss, understand and anticipate the impacts of our actions in society.
In the meantime, first year students organised a modern art exhibition that was also presented at DesignLab, on the same day. The aim of their project ‘Art && Impact’, was to develop an installation that has an emotional impact on the participant, by way of making an artistic statement. Students implemented their creative thinking skills, design, collaborated, programmed and turned their ideas into stories, to interact with the audience.
The results raise the question: How to deal with these challenges, together?
Let’s co-shape these futures, also in education! Good job, students!