UT reporting code for domestic violence and child abuse

The University of Twente has drawn up a reporting code that students and staff can follow if they suspect that (fellow) students or children, who participate in an activity organized by the UT, are involved in domestic violence or child abuse. This not only concerns physical violence, but also psychological or sexual violence and neglect. An action protocol and an assessment framework are part of the reporting code. The action protocol helps with the identification in an early stage, making decision carefully and handling reports correctly. The assessment framework provides insight into the considerations that must be made.

Action in case of suspicion

Follow the action protocol if there are suspicions of involvement in domestic violence or child abuse. Contact the special-task official to discuss the situation. You can make an appointment through the SACC secretariat +31 53 489 20 35 or contact them by e-mail: sacc@utwente.nl. The special-task officials are Marjolein Drent (marjolein.drent@utwente.nl) and Frido Oei (f.b.l.j.oei@utwente.nl).


An assessment is made of the risk of domestic violence or child abuse and whether it is necessary to make a report to Veilig Thuis or whether it is (also) possible to organize help yourself. The assessment framework can help with this. In this process, the special-task official can contact Veilig Thuis, the advice and reporting point for domestic violence and child abuse. Contact details Veilig Thuis: 0800 - 2000 (24/7).

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