Studying and a hearing disability / limitation

In case of hearing issues, you might face difficulties in following and participating in spoken education. Depending on your individual circumstances, support may be necessary for various aspects including:

  • What can you do yourself

    Ensure that those involved are aware of your auditory impairment. Personally inform the study adviser of your programme, make your situation known, and seek help in a timely manner. Discuss (at the beginning of your studies) the support you believe you'll need to work and study effectively and determine the agreements to be made in this regard.

    The study adviser can provide advice and guidance on the available support and facilities within your programme. This includes assistance in communication with teachers/mentors.

    • Tips
      • Ensure that your fellow students and teachers are informed in advance about how they can accommodate your impairment. Provide tips through email or in writing. Utilize the service of the academic advisor for this communication.
      • Strategically sit in relation to the teacher to enable lip-reading and to allow the teacher to see you clearly.
      • Training on effective note-taking can be beneficial. Supplement your own notes with notes from a fellow student. Don't hesitate to ask for them.
      • Information and agreements regarding the course of lessons, codes of conduct, and communication are supportive (how to reach the teacher for questions during and after class, through email, digitally, eye contact, clear lip movement...).

      Information for Higher Education students with a support need: I am studying with an auditory impairmentexternal link

  • What support is available at the UT

    As a student with personal circumstances, you can rely on the various support professionals at the UT for study guidance and necessary accommodations. They collaborate with you and can assist in minimizing obstacles as much as possible and preventing or limiting study delays resulting from your circumstances.

    • Talk to the study adviser of your programme if you encounter challenges due to your personal circumstances. The study adviser can give advice on study choices in your programme, making an adapted study plan and time schedule if the circumstance has caused a study delay. The study adviser also offers support in organizing necessary adjustments and communication with lecturers within your programme.
    • If you constantly have to deal with difficult situations in your daily life, this can lead to feelings of sadness or anxiety. If your disability leads to mental problems, the student psychologist offers support. During an intake, the student psychologist advises on an appropriate approach to your situation. Make an appointment with your GP or the student psychologist if your situation warrants it and you need a personal consultation or advice on your circumstances.
    • Consult the student counsellor for advice, financial and practical support if you foresee challenges in your study environment due to personal circumstances. 

    Supporting documents and medical certificate

    If you would like to make use of the facilities and arrangements, consult the step-by-step plan. Proof of your personal circumstances is required to claim facilities and arrangements.

  • Useful self-help resources

    AVA is a real-time speech-to-text application to make it easier for deaf and hard-of-hearing people to communicate with hearing people through subtitles.

    Ask your health insurance company about reimbursement for speech-to-text software.