People with ADHD often react more quickly to stimuli (such as impulses, moods, and events).
As a result, it can be difficult to concentrate (attention problems) and you may be easily distracted for long periods of time. Completing tasks, separating main and secondary issues, planning, and organizing can be a challenge. These difficulties often become more apparent when there are changes in the environment and new demands are placed on you, such as transitioning from high school to university.
- What can you do yourself
Discuss with the study advisor of your programme at the start of your studies what you need to get the most out of your studies due to your AD(H)D. Together, identify what is necessary and what support agreements can be made. The study advisor can advise and guide you on the support options and facilities available within your programme, including periodic guidance meetings, support in making a realistic study plan (customized), possible exam provisions such as extended exam time, quiet and stimulus-free exam room, and use of text-to-speech- software.
- Check out the Student Well-being Platform on CANVAS - an internal UT information site with, among other things, videos on topics related to studying and maintaining your mental health. It provides advice, practical tips, useful links, and exercises.
The platform offers an ADHD module. You will find information, a clear list of tips, and useful self-help tools for studying with ADHD. - The Study Skills webpage povides practical tips on how to stay focused while working.
- Check out the courses and training that can support you in maintaining your mental health. This includes the Stress Management workshop or group training such as the Study Stimulation Group or Self-Management Course.
- Make an appointment with the student psychologist for an exploratory meeting where an assessment is made of your complaints and what support you need.
Also, check out the well-being website 'Are you okay'.
Do you want to learn more about the difficulties that may come with AD(H)D or do you want to discover various tips? Check out this useful link about studying with AD(H)D.
- Check out the Student Well-being Platform on CANVAS - an internal UT information site with, among other things, videos on topics related to studying and maintaining your mental health. It provides advice, practical tips, useful links, and exercises.
- What support is available at the UT
As a student with personal circumstances, you can rely on the various counsellors at the UT for study guidance and necessary facilities. They will work with you to help to redce any obstacles and prevent or limit study delays caused by your circumstances.
- If you experience difficulties due to your personal circumstances, talk to the study adviser of your programme. The study adviser will guide you in choosing courses, in setting up an adjusted study schedule if the circumstances have caused or are causing a study delay or in providing space for (medical) treatment. The study adviser can also assist in organizing necessary adjustments within your programme.
- The student psychologist provides support for mental health issues. During an initial meeting, the student psychologist will advise on appropriate next steps for your situation. Make an appointment with your doctor or the student psychologist if your situation warrants a personal conversation and advice on your circumstances.
- You can consult the ADHD consultation hour if you require additional assistance.
- The student counsellor can provide independent advice and financial support arrangements in cases of study delay caused by mental health issues.
Consult the student counsellor for advice and practical support if you anticipate or experience difficulties in the academic environment due to personal circumstances.
If you wish to make use of certain facilities and arrangements, consult the step-by-step guide. You need to be able to provide proof of your personal circumstance to access the facilities and arrangements. This will usually be a medical declaration or a statement from your GP or psychologist.
- Useful resources
The tools provided are not intended to replace professional psychological or medical counselling, but to supplement regular "consulting room counselling" with a licensed physician or psychologist. In case of psychological complaints, contact the student psychologist or an external regular professional counsellor.
- Microsoft To Do - a useful method for planning and being more structured.
- Make use of a noise cancelling headphone against distractions.
- Make use of websites that can block social media (facebook/instagram/twitter etc.) and other websites to prevent distractions. For example, Freedom.
- Employ the Pomodoro technique to be more productive. Pomodoro is a time management technique.
- Online mind map software for creating structured summaries and tool in a brainstorming session: mindmeister and
- Timetimer that allows students to force themselves to spend a certain amount of time doing something. Also available as an app on smartphone.
More informationStudent Well-being PlatformAn internal UT information site (on Canvas) with videos on topics related to studying and maintaining your mental health. It provides practical tips, useful links and exercises - Useful websites
- ANDY's community: A Neurodiverse Do-It-Yourself Community at UT
- Understood, is an American non-profit organization dedicated to giving information and empowering people who learn and think differently.
On the website of Understood, there is also a college student who writes about what it is like for her to have ADHD
- More watching, reading, listening
- ADHD podcasts
- Focus on/off (book) - Mark Tigchelaar
- How more focus leads to a better life - TED Talk Mark Tigchelaar (YouTube video)
- Shine a life on ADHD
Well-being 'Are you okay'