Skills Lab

Maximise your academic potential and gain transferable communciative skills alongside your core studies

UT Skills Lab programme provides workshops and courses on transferable communicative skills for BSc and MSc students.

They are designed to support you with two things: immediate assistance with academic tasks, and development of communicative skills that are useful beyond your studies.

Our courses are delivered by UTLC professionals and specialist external training companies. They do not bear academic credits, but you will gain a certificate of completion.

You can attend with a specific task you want to prepare for, or out of general interest.

Our offer

In addition to Skills Lab workshops and courses, did you know that BSc and MSc students can get individual writing support from UT Writing Centre?

Get in touch if you are not sure which course/workshop would be best for you, or if you don't see the type of thing you are looking for. We are always happy to discuss your learning wishes, help create a learning pathway that can compliment your studies, and/or hear suggestions for new courses.

dr. S.G. Allum (Stefanie)
Skills Lab Coordinator