The AKI shows... Eren Karayavuz

This is the second year that the AKI (Academy of Arts & Design) is present in the Vrijhof. Each time Vrijhof Culture gives young "artists-to-be" the possibility  to show what goes on in their mind and how they translate this into art.  

In other words: the first visual art exhibition of this semester is all about a young experimenting artist from the AKI that takes over our exhibition rooms!  

Eren Karayavuz starts in the large exhibition room, where he’ll give old chairs a second life… he’ll learn the chairs how to dance! Cutting up the chairs and putting them together again in a way they look almost human (some wear shoes of furniture fabric). Dancing, contemplating, resting; the chairs are alive and kicking! But still, they also look like any moment they could grow branches again and go back to nature. Eren wants to return the wooden chairs to their natural attitude. Timber versus trees? 

Later on, from the 18th of September, Eren will also show a film in the small exhibition room. 

Eren Karayavuz just graduated last year and already got the interest of journalists of large papers as the NRC. And now Hans Hovy, teacher of the department sculpture/3D and curator of this exhibition, selected him for this exhibition.

A Meet & Greet is on Thursday 21 September 19.00.