The Kaleidoscope – Educational change

Description project

Change is ubiquitous in education. Even though there is commitment and excitement for such changes in the beginning, it appears to be difficult to implement and sustain these changes over time. The Kaleidoscope for schools is developed by dr. Mireille Hubers and prof. dr. Klaas van Veen. It is a working method that supports schools in implementing and sustaining educational changes. This method is rooted in the theory of routine dynamics and models of teachers’ professional development.

The Kaleidoscope is a method that supports a professional learning community in the schools. Amongst other things, this is done via creating awareness and facilitating rich discussions of the role that the situation and context play a role during the change processes (e.g., is there a shared vision of the problem and outcome?). Moreover, the members of the professional learning community will experiment with ways to implement these changes. Such experiments are also made accessible to the other colleagues in the school via online mobile support.

Expected outcomes

This research project aims to study the process of implementing and sustaining changes in schools. Moreover, it determines the role of contextual and situational factors in this process (e.g., school leadership, daily disturbances). Finally, it determines the added value of the Kaleidoscope method in schools’ processes of implementing and sustaining educational change. 

involved researchers

dr. Mireille Hubers - contact person
prof. dr. Klaas van Veen - University of Groningen

Duration of the project

September 2020 – June 2022

Funding & partners

This project is funded by the three participating schools.

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