UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPHTUT - PRIDE Fostering Queer Student Belonging through Digital Technology

UT - PRIDE Fostering Queer Student Belonging through Digital Technology

Building Inclusive Campuses: Fostering Queer Student Belonging through Digital Technology


University of Twente, Th!nk with Pride


Enschede, UT


November- February

Brief description of the assignment

Many LGBTQI+ students experience poor mental health, stress, and anxiety, or feel that they don’t (fully) belonging to their university. The university could possibly play a role in alleviating these issues. In this project, the intern(s) will organize and conduct interviews and surveys with queer students. These will focus on what queer students want and need from the UT in order to feel a sense of ‘belonging’ and, specifically, how digital technology could support their needs. You will design a prototype for a digital intervention to foster belonging in queer students and write your final recommendations in a report. 

This project is situated at Th!nk with Pride, the platform at the UT for queer (LGBTQIA+) people, community, and allies. It builds on existing projects on belonging and queer-inclusive education. Next to your project, you will work with us to promote queer visibility, equity and inclusion in the university, from social life, to education and research to UT’s policies and organisational structure. You will be able to use the network of Th!nk with Pride (Th!nk with Pride (utwente.nl)) and the lecturers working on this topic.

Two internships are available.

Contact person for more information:

Name: Anne van Dongen
Email: a.vandongen@utwente.nl

Name: Tessa Dekkers
Email: t.dekkers@utwente.nl