EU FP7 Science and Society project: SATORI
Project leader: prof.dr. Philip Brey
duration: 01-01/2014 till 01-10-2017
SATORI is a large 45-month project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General Research. It is the acronym for ‘Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation’. The aim of the project is to develop common methods, standards and approaches for the ethical assessment of research and innovation within Europe. These are to be utilized by a variety of assessors, including research ethics committees, funding agencies, policy makers, industry, NGOs, and others.
The project will concern itself with issues such as the potential impact of research and innovation on health, the environment, privacy, and civil rights, issues of globalization and internationalization of research, responsible product design, informed consent and the social responsibility of corporations, scientists, engineers, and other relevant actors, with the aim of proposing unified frameworks and approaches. It will also consider the legal and policy framework for these issues, and make policy recommendations.
The sixteen partners from 13 countries aim to develop standards and approaches for implementation within Europe, in close association with relevant stakeholders inside and outside Europe. The project includes the involvement of more than four hundred stakeholders in workshops and training sessions, and hundreds more through interviews and questionnaires. The coalition includes government agencies, standardization agencies, multinationals, academic organizations, civil society/NGO actors, and UNESCO as a transnational partner.
Researchers: Agata Gurzawska (PhD) and prof.dr. Philip Brey (coördinator)