Welcome to the Philosophy Section of the Technology, Policy, and Science (TPS) Department. Research and education of the department focus on the philosophy and ethics of technology and engineering science. The section is strongly committed to interdisciplinary work and has close ties to many other University of Twente programmes and research fields, both in social science and engineering. Three research strands in Philosophy are covered by the section: ethics of technology (chair: prof. dr. Philip Brey), philosophy of human-technology relations (chair: prof. dr. Ciano Aydin) and philosophy of science in practice (chair: prof. dr. Mieke Boon). The philosophy section houses a master programme Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Society (PSTS) and offers a wide range of bachelor and master courses in other University of Twente programmes. The section participates in the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology, the Netherlands Graduate School for Science, Technology and Modern Culture, and the Dutch Research School for Philosophy.
- Head of the Section: dr. M.A.J. (Miles) Macleod
- Director of Education: dr. M.H. (Michael) Nagenborg
- Management Assistant: Saskia Schuiling
Section Philosophy, University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)53 489 9349
Email: phil@utwente.nl