UTFacultiesBMSDept HIBPCRSInformation for studentsInternshipsExternal internshipsWhich variables predict youth delinquency? (@Kennispunt Twente; Dutch required)

Which variables predict youth delinquency? (@Kennispunt Twente; Dutch required)


Early intervention plays an important role in keeping minors from embarking on a life of crime. Municipalities have an important task when it comes to preventing youngsters to become (youth) delinquents. They work together with several organizations, each with their own set of tasks and roles. This projects contains of one main component – a literature study to answer the following questions:

  1. What is already known in (academic) literature about predicting variables of youth delinquency? (method: desk / literature research)
  2. What has been done in the Netherlands when it comes to data, monitoring and predicting youth delinquency? (method: desk research, possibly with interviews or other research techniques)


Youth delinquency; prevention; data analysis; predictability; social policy.

Background information organization

The internship is part of an ongoing research project by Kennispunt Twente. Kennispunt Twente delivers insights and knowledge to strengthen the Twente society. They strengthen the knowledge position of the fourteen municipalities in Twente and of SamenTwente by providing high-quality management information. With this knowledge, administration, management and policy officers can better base and substantiate policy choices.

Kennispunt Twente is a non-profit government-related research agency. It has been accommodated as a guest at SamenTwente, as a recognizable separate unit with its own identity, management and budget. They are independent of their clients in the way they conduct their research and the results that result from it. See for more information their website: www.kennispunttwente.nl.


Students must be fluent in Dutch.


This internship is open for 1 student.   


Please contact the PCRS internship coordinator Miriam Oostinga (m.s.d.oostinga@utwente.nl).


To be announced.