Consumer acceptance of lab-grown meat


The way we use animals for human consumption causes problems for the environment, our personal and global health, and animal welfare (e.g., Bègue, 2020; Reisch et al., 2013; Sollund, 2011; Springmann et al., 2016; Santo et al., 2020; Stel et al., 2022). In fact, a reduction of animals held for human consumption is acknowledged as crucial for reaching climate targets, dealing with health issues, and reducing animal suffering (for an overview see Kwansy et al., 2022). This reduction can be obtained by reducing the consumption of animal product and switching to alternative proteins (e.g., plant-based meat alternatives, lab-grown meat). People are open to the protein transition (e.g., Epson 2021; Van Heck et al., 2022) and feel positive when they make sustainable food choices (Zawadzki et al.,2020). Yet, consumer acceptance of these alternative proteins is relatively low (Onwezen et al., 2021). This assignment consists of creating a persuasive information message aimed increasing consumer acceptance of the technology lab-grown meat. 

The internship student will start by getting acquainted with the existing literature on the acceptance of lab-grown meat and on consumer acceptance of novel food technologies in general. Then, based on the literature, the internship student will design an information message that addresses key drivers related to consumer acceptance of lab-grown meat.

Note that, subsequently, a master thesis can be done on testing the intervention.


Novel food technologies; Lab-grown meat; Consumer acceptance. 


The section Psychology of Conflict, Risk and Safety at the University of Twente has a distinctive and unique profile in the areas of risk perception and risk communication, conflict and crisis management and the antecedents of risky, antisocial and criminal behaviour. It currently includes 16 research staff members and 8 PhD students. We work from both a psychology and an engineering perspective and cooperate with other scientific disciplines, based on the “high tech, human touch” profile of the University of Twente.


This internship is open for 2 students.


Please contact the PCRS internship coordinator Miriam Oostinga (