Learning by doing in prevocational education

SUPERVISOR: alieke van dijk

In cooperation with Stichting Practicum


Today, a major problem in the labor market is the inclusion of people with a work or learning disability. In secondary special education and practical education(vso en pro), students are trained to become well-prepared employees in various types of companies. A solution designed and developed by Stichting Practicum is rooted in practice and offers an alternative route from school to a future job: the ID model.

The ID model is based on the belief that learning by doing is a valuable working method to prepare students for their future job. Subsequently, students spend a large part of their education doing internships at different companies, while completing a parallel curriculum that aims to teach students relevant and necessary employee skills. To track student progress, skills are evaluated through a 20-item scan. This scan combines the experiences of the student with observations from both teachers and employers.

Practical school The Stedelijk Diekman in Enschede has some experience with the ID model and the employee skills scan. Therefore, they are now interested in evaluating the quality and validity of the employee skills scan, and creating theoretical design guidelines to support or improve the ID model.


Within this topic you can choose your focus on interest: ID model or the employee skills scan. Together with Het Stedelijk Diekman, you create a research focus within the domain that is both scientifically and practically relevant and an important part of the current political climate, in which inclusivity, diversity, equality of opportunity and the government's job agreement are leading.

Full/native Dutch language skills are required for this project.
