Do you see what I see? Learning by studying and discussing images

SUPERVISOR: hannie gijlers

VQUEST ( is a digital learning environment for learning and testing with images that was developed in the context of medical education and is used in various countries (Netherland, Finland, Germany etc.). For other domains where visual information, or the interpretation of visual information is an important skill, the VQUEST platform can also serve as online learning environment that also provides a number of supportive measures. Suitable domains might for instance be art history, biology or astronomy. In collaboration with researchers from the University of Münster, we are investigating how this system can be used within the context of non-medical domains preferably at the level of secondary education.

For this purpose a collaborative learning scenario, combining an individual preparation phase with small group and class-wide discussion has been proposed. Within this scenario we are interested in assessing students’ engagement and knowledge development over the different phases.

In general engagement is associated with deep learning and positive learning outcomes. Different kinds of cognitive engagement yield different levels of knowledge. It is argued that passive forms of cognitive engagement are associated with factual knowledge, while more active and constructive forms of engagement are associated with the development of transferable knowledge and skills. Interactive engagement allows for the creation of novel ideas (Chi & Wllie, 2014). We are interested in the  extent  to which students are actively  and interactively engaged in the learning activity and also feel that their contributions matter. Questionnaires at the individual and group level will be combined with recordings of students interactions to get insight into the perceived level of engagement and the level of engagement that is reflected in students’ actual behavior and interaction.


In the context of the study you will be supported in the creation of the online learning environment in VQUEST and the team will assist you in the selection of appropriate instruments. You will be responsible (in collaboration with the team) for the creation of an appropriate assignment.


Chi, M. T. H., & Wylie, R. (2014). The ICAP framework: linking cognitive engagement to active learning outcomes. Educational Psychologist, 49(4), 219–243. doi:10.1080/00461520.2014.965823.