Uncertainty and socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL)

supervisor: chandan dasgupta


Students often engage in planning, monitoring, evaluation, and goal setting when managing uncertainties. These practices resonate with the processes involved in socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL) such as developing strategies, monitoring, evaluation, goal setting, motivation, and metacognitive decision making. Thus, it is likely that students who manage uncertainty well and have certain uncertainty orientations will show high SSRL and vice-versa.

This project aims to investigate the relationship between uncertainty management and SSRL, attending to socially shared metacognitive regulation (i.e., incorporating collective monitoring and regulation of shared cognitive processes in collaborative learning environments; SSMR) and transactivity (i.e., ability to build on each other's ideas). You can choose to focus on undergraduate or school students.


In this study, we will use video-recordings of students who work on a group project. In addition, we will collect data using surveys and questionnaires, self-reports, reflection journals (if available), and student interviews.


Lobczowski, N. G., Lyons, K., Greene, J. A., & McLaughlin, J. E. (2021). Socially shared metacognition in a project-based learning environment: A comparative case study. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 30, 100543.

Hadwin, A. F., Järvelä, S., & Miller, M. (2017). Self-regulation, co-regulation and shared regulation in collaborative learning environments. In D. Schunk, & J. Greene, (Eds.). Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance (2nd Ed.). Routledge.

Dragnić-Cindrić, D., Greene, J., & Anderson, J. (2020). The Role of Uncertainty in Social Regulation of Learning. The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2020. https://repository.isls.org/bitstream/1/6750/1/759-760.pdf