UTFacultiesBMSDept HBEIEBISEducationGraduation assignments2018-02 Master assignment: Nudging in practice - conduct a real-life experiment at Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport

2018-02 Master assignment: Nudging in practice - conduct a real-life experiment at Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport

Nudging in practice: conduct a real-life experiment


The Inspectie is responsible for the supervision on transportation. In this instance, transportation by truck. The main focus of this supervision are the driving and resting times of the truck drivers. The driving and resting times for truck drivers in the European Union are regulated through European legislation. Inspection and supervision of the driving and resting times done to prevent unfair competition between transport companies and improve working conditions and road safety.

The Inspectie currently works on a project to develop an automatic digital control system to determine the compliance of the aforementioned driving and resting times by Dutch transportation companies.

The aim of the internship to this project by the Inspectie is to develop methods to improve the validity and reliability of data collected from transportation businesses. This could be done by developing a questionnaire and possibly other nudges. Suggestions for improvements will then be tested in an experimental design.

Theoretical background: behavioral change, nudging and Behavioral Intervention Teams.

Required expertise

We are looking for a master student with a background in psychology or communication science with an interest in IT and behavioral change and wishes to use this internship for his master thesis.


The major assignment is to develop and test methods to improve the validity and reliability of the data collected from the transport companies. You’re asked to give input from your expertise in communication science and test your own methods in an experimental design. The exact assignment is determined in consultation with the Inspectie and the university.

Furthermore, we expect the student to give his input on other components of the process. For example, the report to conclude the conducted inspection.

Contact UT

Are you interested in writing your thesis on this topic? Please mail us:

Contact at ILT

C.P.A. (Kees) Hersbach, Coördinerend / specialistisch inspecteur, Projectleider “on desk TACHO”

Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat
Graadt van Roggeweg 500| 3531 AH Utrecht
Postadres: Postbus 1511 | 3500 BM Utrecht
E: cees.hersbach@ilent.nl