The Section Financial Engineering (FE) is part of the department of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship (HBE) at the University of Twente. FELab unites scientists from the University of Twente who have proven expertise in financial engineering and finance.
Our expertise comes from:
- Research & teaching
- Supervision of students (BSc/MSc/PhD)
- Work experience in the financial sector
- Consultancy
Our backgrounds are in mathematics, economics, econometrics, social sciences, statistics, and computer science.
We support the development and issuance of new financial products & investment tools, develop new risk management tools & methods of analysis and the problems we tackle typically have a technical or technological component.
We have our expertise in solving technology-based financial problems, related to e.g.:
- Risk management
- Fintech
- Trading algorithms
- Sustainability issues in finance (CSR, ESG, stranded assets,…)
- Securitization
- Machine learning and other AI in finance
- Financial and economic aspects of cyber security
Our team and their expertise can be found here
FELAB & technology
We analyze the implications of financial technology.
We assess the financial implications of non-financial technologies and societal developments.
We develop software, policies, strategies and risk management tools.
Methodologically speaking, we make use of techniques and methods from statistics, econometrics, mathematics, data & computer science.
We go beyond formulas & models;
Nassim Taleb (Black Swan): “If financial engineeringmeans the creation of financial instruments thatimprove risk allocation, then I am in favor of it. If it means using engineering methods to quantify the immeasurable with great precision, then I am against it.”
We add common sense to our financial engineering practices and benefit from expertise in financial ethics and corporate & behavioral finance (corporate governance, CSR, ESG,…).
We typically collaborate with insurance companies, pension funds, banks, hedge funds and other institutional investors and we would like to meet with you to discuss the possibilities for collaboration on joint projects! We see opportunities for collaboration in:
- Projects & internships for our students
- Guest lectures for our students
- Problem-driven research projects
- Deep dives
- Software engineering
- In-company courses (development & teaching by FELab)
- Joint workshops
You can watch our high-tech business school’s corporate video:
Are you interested? Please contact us: Prof. dr. Bert Bruggink (industry contacts), and Prof. dr. Laura Spierdijk (chair),