XR Day 2024 Connecting Reality

SURF, BMS Lab and XR Lab Saxion are collaborating to bring you XR Day 2024.

During the national XR Day on the 3rd of July 2024, you will get the opportunity to become inspired by the latest XR technology developments, learn new topics about the use of XR and get familiar with current and upcoming applications of XR, all centering about research and education. It will be day full of presentations, demos and workshops, and an opportunity to network with practitioners that work in the field of XR.

During the national XR Day on the 3rd of July 2024, you will get the opportunity to become inspired by the latest XR technology developments, learn new topics about the use of XR and get familiar with current and upcoming applications of XR, all centering about research and education. It will be day full of presentations, demos and workshops, and an opportunity to network with practitioners that work in the field of XR.

National XR Day 2024
Learn more about XR Day

Interested in contirbuting? You can submit your proposals until April 3.
Sumbit your proposal