UTFacultiesBMSEventsConstructive alignment as pedagogy for sustainability in student learning

Constructive alignment as pedagogy for sustainability in student learning Educational Workshop for teachers and UT staff

Universities are making sustainability a focus for institutional activities, curricula and student learning. However, addressing methodology and pedagogy in education for sustainability is complex for educators and managers. This presentation illustrates the application of constructive alignment for the integration of institutional strategic goals, industry accreditation and graduate student attributes in course and unit learning outcomes. Opportunities and barriers in implementation are discussed. A multi-level educational practice framework has been identified as simple tool to identify and develop discipline and unit specific student learning for sustainability.

This workshop will be led by Dr Gesa Ruge, who is a Senior Lecturer at the Central Queensland University School of Engineering and Technology. She has over 25 years of industry expertise in sustainable design, engineering and construction management for large scale urban renewal projects in Australia and Germany. Her scholarship focuses on development of a sustainable mindset for how we teach, learn and transform industry practice. She has over the last 10 years developed international expertise in facilitating ]cross-institutional and multi-disciplinary collaborative networks that support teachers in their educational practice for student learning development. Gesa is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA, UK) and a Fellow of HERDSA (Australasia).

If you have further questions about this workshop, please address them to Jovana Jezdimirovic Ranito at j.jezdimirovicranito@utwente.nl