The Stories We Live By
(Op Verhaal Komen)
The stories we live by is an intervention that combines life review with narrative therapy. The intervention addresses depressive symptoms as well as feelings of well-being in middle-aged and older people. The method was first developed as a face-to-face group intervention. Later, an online-guided self-help course was developed and tested that also showed effects on depressive symptoms and well-being. The most recent version is an internet version that includes either online guidance by a counselor or a group-based form where participants guide each other. The product consists of a training for professionals as well as a self-help book for clients.
Contact: Gerben Westerhof
Funding: ZonMW
Partners: Fourteen Dutch mental health institutes
Published by: Boom
Evidence based intervention: Vilans database
Recent scientific publication:
Westerhof, G. J., & Slatman, S. (2019). In search of the best evidence for life review therapy to reduce depressive symptoms in older adults: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, e12301. Link