Tell your story

Tell your story

(Uit je verhaal)

Autobiographical reflexivity is an important narrative competence that supports students in their professional development. A participatory design with students, teachers, and professionals has been used to develop the method “Tell Your Story” as a blended learning course with persuasive technology. A randomized controlled trial has shown that the course contributes to professional identity development, just like methods for critical reflection but results in a more engaging experience.

Contact: Monique Engelbertink

Funding: Saxion  

Partner: Saxion

Published by: Saxion and University of Twente

Recent publication:

Engelbertink, M.M.J., Kelders, S.M., Woudt- Mittendorff, K. M., & Westerhof, G. J. (2021). The added value of autobiographical reflexivity with persuasive technology for professional identities of Social Work students: A randomized controlled trial. Social Work Education. Link

Leer studenten zelf nadenken over professionale identiteit. Scienceguide. Link