UTFacultiesBMSeHealthResearchStory LabSocietal impactMy life story, a voyage of discovery to myself

My life story, a voyage of discovery to myself

My Life Story: A Voyage of Discovery to Myself

(Mijn Levensverhaal: Een Ontdekkingsreis naar Jezelf)

“My life story” is a narrative intervention that was tailored to the needs of persons with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric problems. The intervention builds on insights from narrative therapy and life review therapy. The products consist of a training for professionals, a manual for professionals, and a workbook for clients. Evaluations have shown that the intervention is well accepted by clients and that their complaints reduce and their well-being increases during the intervention. 

Contact: Janny Beernink

Funding: GGNet

Partner: VGGNet

Published by: Eburon

Evidence-based intervention: Trimbos database

Recent scientific publication:

Beernink, J., & Westerhof, G.J. (2020). Effectiveness of a life story intervention for adults with intellectual disability and depressive and trauma‐related complaints. Journal of Applied Research in Intellect Disabilities, 33, 340-347. Link