FutureNowExperience workshop
In this workshop participants create future stories of a better personal and/or collective future. They engage in writing, sharing, reflecting and visualizing future stories using Letters from the Future and visual art. Stories from the future are considered important building blocks for community work, team identity formation, personal growth, and social transformation. By speaking out their own dreams, wishes, desires and concerns as well as listening to those of others, participants gain motivation, inspiration, hope, perspective, and knowledge in what is keeping them from realizing their values and goals. Depending on the experiences, background, and goals of the group, the workshop can be modified to make an optimal fit. Train-the-trainer workshops can be delivered upon request.
FutureNowExperience Workshop at the Manchester Community Psychology Festival
Contact: Anneke Sools
Further reading:
Sools, A., & Tromp, T. (2021). Narratieve toekomstverbeelding. In E. Bohlmeijer, N. Jacobs, J. A. Walburg, & G. Westerhof (Eds.), Handboek positieve psychologie. Theorie, onderzoek en toepassingen (2e editie, pp. 413-428). Amsterdam: Boom.