Developing, Assessing and Validating Social Competences in Higher Education (DASCHE) - “ Erasmus+ project

DASCHE (Developing, Assessing and Validating Social Competences in Higher Education) is a project under KA2 of the Erasmus+ programme; it researches if and how students learn social competences during their higher education study; now frequently neglected. Social competences include amongst others social engagement, taking leadership roles in social environments,  being able to initiate and conduct social dialogue autonomously and responsibly, as well as intercultural competences supportive of open European societies. The main objective of the DASCHE project is to support policy learning between countries and higher education institutions in curriculum development, assessment and validation of social competences of students by developing models of formulating and assessing these competences within higher education programmes and providing good practices to inspire decision maker in higher education institutions and at system levels.

The study will take place in selected higher education institutions in the partners' six countries.

The project partners are Centrum Pro Studium Vysokeho Skolstvi, V.V.I. (Czech Republic), Universität Bremen (Germany), Akademiskas Informacijas Centrs (Latvia), CHEPS in the Universiteit Twente (Netherlands), SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland, project leader), and University of Durham (United Kingdom).

The DASCHE project will last from September 2017 to April 2020. For further information, please contact Leon Cremonini or Don Westerheijden.