Conference November 2014

IBA graduates November 2014

On the 6th of November, 2014 the fourth IBA thesis conference took place. 37 students graduated for their thesis! Their topics and papers are lister below.

All graduation photos can be found on our Alumni Facebook page.

Graduation papers

First Parrallel Sessions

13:00-14:20 or 13:00-14:50

Strategy - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:20

Ivar Hillerström Not available
Marissa Oude Weernink Strategy implementation processes of small businesses in the hospitality industry.
Niclas Brinkschröder Strategy Implementation: Key Factors, Challenges and Solutions.
Fabian Feldberg Challenges, Approaches and Solutions to Strategic Change: Evidence from German Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Marketing - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:20

Willem Kottier The added value of neuromarketing tools in the area of marketing research.
Lisa Voss Customer attacks - how to safeguard you reputation.
Gina Gebert Customer attacks - how to safeguard you reputation.

HR&OS - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:50

Kim Wolters Narrative review on how mediating mechanisms influence the relationship between employees’ perception of HR practices and employee performance.
Evert-Jan Hes A meta-analytic investigation of the relationship between employee perceptions of HRM and employee attitudes and behaviors.
Ilana Oudkerk Pool Narrative review : dark sides of HRM from an employee point of view.
Matai Mutlu Not available

HR&OS - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:50

Jarno de Vries Shedding light on Business Diplomacy. A systematic review on typology and its implications for MNC's.
Wilco Meijerink Business diplomacy in small-medium enterprises: How to handle?
Harri Blankenstein HR practices to affective commitment : through active knowledge and skill use.
Riku Pudas An investigation into E-participation.

Finance - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:20

Bart Beld Not available
Erik Vrenken Impact of board independence during the crisis period.
Julian Moser To what extent does gender diversity on a board of a company listed on the S&P 100 and FTSE 100 affect the firm’s performance : a comparative study.
Edo Kant The determinants of capital structure: An empirical study on Dutch firms.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Ravelijn 2334 : 13:00-14:20

Justin Leemkuil The role of masculinity in entrepreneurial leadership : A comparative study between Germany and the Netherlands.
Jan Heitmann The Lean Startup - A pragmatic view on its Flaws and Pitfalls.
Thijs Huls The Effect of the Development of a Market Orientation of an Individual Entrepreneur on Venture Performance.

Second Parrallel Sessions

14:35 - 15:55 or later start -15:55

Supply Management - Ravelijn 2334 : 14:35 - 15:55

Debbie Berkey Antecedents & benefits of a preferred customer status in a buyer-supplier relationship and the role of the purchasing strategy: A dyadic case study of volkswagen commercial vehicles.
Michael Huil Critical View on Leibenstein’s X-Efficiency Theory.
Floris van Zijp Not available

Strategy & Marketing - Ravelijn 2336 : 14:35 - 15:55

Marvin Johnson The five competitive forces framework in a technology mediated environment : do these forces still hold in the industry of the 21st century?
Robbin ten Dolle Online reputation management.
Christian Holve Not available

Marketing - Ravelijn 2501 : 14:35 - 15:55

Arthur Vernain-Perriot Value-in-use in highly institutionalized industry: a case of the diamond industry.
Yasin Sahhar Not available

Information Management : Ravelijn 2502 : 15:00 - 15:55

Jolien Morsinkhof The influence of social identity theory on voting behavior in the FIFA Ballon d’Or competition.

Finance - Ravelijn 2503 : 14:35 - 15:55

Iwona Poblocka The Dutch system banks throughout the crisis. The Basel framework as a hampering factor on bank performance.
Bas Bisschop Not available
Tim Wielens Relatie tussen determinanten gerelateerd aan het dividendbeleid van een bedrijf en de levenscyclus.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Ravelijn 2504 : 14:35 - 15:55

Matthijs Brunink Rotating leadership: the process within organizational improvisation.
Kevin van Langen Disciplined initiative; freedom to improvise under directive leadership.