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Q: I failed [x] (a course), can I get an extra resit?
The BSc programme EE has the following policy concerning extra test opportunities.
The programme offers two opportunities for written exams per year. If a student does not pass a course during these regular exams, they should retake the course the next academic year.
Unless you have personal circumstances or compelling reasons, extra repairs are not possible.
If you then fail the (regular) resit, it will be decided during the final grade meeting whether you are granted an additional resit.
During the final grade meeting a decision will be made about extra resit. They will look at personal circumstances like illness, but also consider how well you did in the rest of the module and how likely it is that you will benefit from an extra resit.
The programme allows a module team (together with bachelor coordinator or programme director) to take illness or special circumstances into account and grand a repair or extra exam opportunity. This will always be decided after the module has finished. (Since such repair or extra exam will then interfere with the next module, it is in the best interest of the student to try to pass within the module.)
When you do not agree with the final outcome, you can make a formal request [compelling reasons, recognized circumstances] to the exam board after the module is finished.”