Planning your Master

Basic outline master Applied Physics

The master Applied Physics is a two-year (120 EC) programme. In the first year you will take:

·         20 EC of compulsory basic science courses;
·         20 EC of specialization courses (to specialize for a specific research group);
·         10/20 EC of electives.

The second year is more practical. You will first do an internship of 20 or 30 EC, in a company or research institute, and thereafter a 40 EC master assignment, mostly done at a applied physics research group.

Choose your specialization 

Research is spread out over departments:

Each research group has its own selection of specialization courses that prepare you to do a master assignment at this particular group. You can find the specific specialization and recommended courses per group in the curriculum.

When you know which research group(s) you like we recommend to make a study planning for at least the first half year of your study. You can use the study programme to make this planning. At the end of this period you should make the final decision for your specialization and adapt your planning to this choice.

At any moment in the process you can make an appointment with one of the study advisers for advice.