UTAlumni CommunityCalendarNIKOS 15 Years Anniversary

NIKOS 15 Years Anniversary VentureClass


How Serial Innovators Repeatedly Create Successful Breakthrough Innovations – And How to Manage them Effectively

Speaker: Abbie Griffin. Holds the Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business

THURSDAY October 27, 2016

19.15 – 22.00 (DOORS OPEN & COFFEE FROM 19.15 – CLOSING DRINK)

The Gallery, DesignLab

Serial Innovators are individuals who have conceived ideas that solve important problems for people and organizations. They developed those ideas into breakthrough new products and services (inventing new technologies to do so as needed) and finally, guided those products and services through the corporation’s commercialization process and into the market. Serial Innovators are important to corporations because they can develop products that generate millions of dollars of revenue. In doing so, Serial Innovators impact millions of lives every day, from the workers employed to make these breakthrough products to the customers who benefit from them. Frequently, Serial Innovators’ products change the lives of millions of people for the better.

This presentation identifies the kinds of individuals who are most likely to become Serial Innovators, and discusses how they do this. Finally it provides advice on how managers in large, mature firms can find, develop and effectively manage such individuals.


19.15 – doors open and coffee

19.45 – introductions

20.00 – lecture and discussion

21.00 – drinks

22.00 – closing

Registration for this event is mandatory.

Save the date and register now, it’s free: October 27: sign up here

About VentureClasses

VentureClasses are public lectures, organised by NIKOS and VentureLab International. They are open to anyone and free of charge. The lecture topic relates broadly to ‘business and science’. The speakers who share their experiences with the audience, have made their mark as an entrepreneur and/or enterprising scientist. See also the overview of speakers of the past six years. The official language at the VentureClasses is English, unless it can be in Dutch