Welcome to 15 Years of Honours!

The 15 Years of Honours conference has passed. Thank you to those who participated!
Tickets are now available for the 15 Years of Honours conference!
Register for the event
Please note, this registration is only for employees/professionals outside of the University of Twente and the Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
University of Twente and Saxion employees can register for the conference here.

Come join us on the 6th and 7th of June 2024 at the international Honours conference entitled "Unleashing Potential." Unleashing Potential means taking risks and moving outside your comfort zone. When you unleash your potential, you discover what you can achieve and the impact you can make on societal challenges.

Central to our conference is how we can support and motivate top students with Honours education to unleash their full potential and how Honours contributes to their personal and professional contexts. We aim to share best practices, ideas, educational spin-offs and research regarding Honours education by connecting educational innovators, researchers and teachers excited about top-talent development. We expect (inter)national participants from vocational education (MBO), universities of applied sciences (HBO) and universities (WO). 

Are you ready to explore, broaden your knowledge and make new international contacts within Honours education? Then mark Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June 2024 in your agenda!

What and when?

The entire conference will take place in Enschede, the Netherlands, with Thursday, June 6th, taking place at Saxion University of Applied Sciences and Friday, June 7th, at the University of Twente. For enthusiasts, there will be a pre-programme on the June 5th! 

Do you want to connect with our event?
Follow our LinkedIn page!


You can contribute to the 15 Years of Honours conference with the possibilities mentioned below:

1. Content contributions, see our form here. DEADLINE: 15th of March 2024


2. Sponsoring contributions, see our form here

What is Honours at Saxion and the University of Twente?

The 15 Years of Honours conference will focus on the development of Honours education in the Netherlands over the last 15 years.