Master assignments stream 3: Qualitative Research

Experiences of clients who participated in an ACT therapeutic group

 Method Stream: Qualitative research

ECs: Only 14 EC (standard, no new/own data collection. Applicable in case of a clinical internship)


Participating in (group) psychotherapy is an important and often life changing experience. Before therapy starts, people have a reason to participate in a group and expectations about what it can bring them. Afterwards they will reflect on their experiences and the extent to which they experienced personal growth. This study focusses on these afterwards reflections, to get more insight in the mechanisms of change that clients experience in therapy. 226 participants in ACT group therapy completed evaluation questionnaires, giving information about wat they valued in the therapy, to which extend they experienced personal growth and which aspects of the therapy contributed to this progress. These questionnaires offer a valuable chance to learn more about the experiences of clients. For example it is possible to rate different aspects of the therapy according to the client feedback or to differentiate between clients who followed an online group therapy (during COVID pandemic) and clients who were in group therapy in a physical location.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a student who has a feel for systematic analyses, and is willing to analyze a large amount of (short) questionnaires.

What do we offer?

We will support you in defining your own research question and finding data to answer the question.