Bachelor assignments theme 1: Technological interventions in increasing well-being

A Quest for Well-Being in Virtual Reality Nature

Theme: Technological interventions in increasing well-being

Type of research (qualitative empirical, quantitative empirical, mixed-method): Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method approaches are possible.


Real nature environments provide us with an abundance of benefits such as improved mood and restoration. However, due to urbanization, the number of green spaces is decreasing, and researchers turn to technology to provide the general population with the benefits of nature.

In this study, you will get familiar with the basics of virtual reality and explore its benefits, drawbacks, and potential applications for improving well-being. Your goal will be to choose a suitable VR nature environment and decide which aspects of well-being you would like to explore using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method design.

Example research questions for this study could be: