UTFaculteitenBMSDept HIBPGTAfstudeeropdrachten Gezondheidspsychologie en Technologie / Master assignments Health Psychology and Technology

Afstudeeropdrachten Gezondheidspsychologie en Technologie / Master assignments Health Psychology and Technology


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These assignments are only suitable for bachelor theses

On this website you will find the list of available bachelor thesis assignments offered by the specialization Health Psychology and Technology.


If you choose an assignment in Health Psychology and Technology (HPT):

Step 1: Make your decision for an assignment by filling in your top two. Until August 21 additional bachelor thesis assignments may be added. From Thursday August 22 to Monday August 26, 2024, you can fill in the form

Step 2:  From August 30, 2024 you will receive an e-mail about the assignment you can start with and the supervisors assigned to you. We cannot guarantee that you will receive the assignment of your choice.

Step 3: Only after you have been informed by the coordinator about the assignment that you can start with, you can contact the supervisor of the assignment.

Click here for the form  

Coordinator: Nienke Peeters (n.j.peeters@utwente.nl)


Below you find the available Health Psychology & Technology (HPT) masters’ assignments.


Not all of the below mentioned assignments may be available. If you are interested in one of the assignments below, or if you would like to bring in your own assignment, please contact the HPT master coordinator dr. C.H.C. Drossaert (c.h.c.drossaert@utwente.nl or phone 053-4896049).

Also, note that –if you choose an external assignment- an interview with the organization will be part of the procedure.

GM01 - Hulphond Nederland: Wat zijn de mogelijke effecten van een hulphond bij ouderen met dementie?

GM02- Zelfcompassie in de context van kanker: een kwalitatief onderzoek.

GM03 – Illness perceptions and fatigue after stroke.

GM04 - TRIMBOS: Evaluatie van het gebruik van een web-based interventie voor stress, slaap en piekeren en de samenhang met klachten

GM05 - UNO-UMCG: Decision-making for the pharmacologic treatment of problem behaviour in patients with dementia

GM06- Job stress management via mHealth: combination of self-tracking and e-Coaching 

GM07 – Response shift en de ervaren gezondheidsgerelateerde kwaliteit van leven bij mensen met reumatoïde artritis

GM08 - UT Technical Medicin: Komt een patiënt bij de dokter: hoe simulatiepatiënten het leren van de studenten bevorderen

GM09 - Illness perceptions and fatigue after stroke

GM10 – Automatisch vermoeid? Identificatie en beïnvloeding van automatische processen bij vermoeidheid

GM11- Meander Medical Center: Co-creation in a medical setting - evaluation and participatory redesign of an existing patient portal.

GM12- E-health in de vroege hartrevalidatie 

GM13 -  Haalbaarheidsstudie: dementie & apps

GM14 - MST NEUROLOGY: Bottlenecks in the case management of Parkinson’s disease - analysing the strategies, motives and decisions of involved health care professionals

GM15 - MindDistrict: Developing and evaluating behavioural change techniques to improve compliance to eHealth interventions

GM16 - Bartimeus: kinderen en ouders voorbereiden op diagnostisch onderzoek 

GM17 -  MindDistrict: Which textual characteristics of eHealth therapies are related to appreciation of the content?

GM18 -  MindDistrict: Developing and testing the timing and content of notifications to improve diary completion in eHealth interventions

GM19 - Risk factors for compassion fatigue and diminished wellbeing in crisis line volunteers: a survey among volunteers of Sensoor (telefonische hulpdienst) 

GM20 – TiH & UT: Implementation of computerized adaptive testing in health care and health research

GM21 – Resonance House Publishing creates Digging Deep, a game for teens facing serious health challenges

GM22 – IKNL: Individualized follow-up after breast cancer: optimalization and implementation of the INFLUENCE nomogram

GM23 - e-mental health: can a virtual coach increase a user’s motivation?

GM24 - Learning by gaming

GM25 - Hanzehogeschool: Het gebruik van gedragsveranderingstechnieken voor het veranderen van leefstijlgedrag bij mensen met een lichte verstandelijke beperking

GM26 - Monitoren van gedrag en emotie in het dagelijks leven na bariatrische chirurgie  

GM27-Master Therapieland-Engagement in online therapy

GM28-Master-Support for informal caregivers

GM29-Feasibility study of the visual Patient Benefit Assesment Scale (P-BAS)

GM30-Health during Covid-19 Lockdown – understanding inequalities

GM31-UK Policy Research Uni Behavioural Science

GM32-In-home monitoring technology preferences and expected willingness towards in home monitoring technology of persons with dementia (PwD)

GM33-Acceptance towards in-home monitoring technology in home-based dementia care

Voor andere opdrachten kun je ook kijken bij opdrachten Positieve Psychologie en Technologie.