UTUT-KringUpcoming activitiesFULLY BOOKED!! 9 Jan: Workshop goldsmithing

Workshop goldsmithing

Filing, sanding and polishing

The workshop is a preview of the craft of goldsmithing. We will introduce you to working silver, brass or copper. Under supervision, you will choose a design, saw the material, file soldering and sanding and polishing until you get a beautiful piece of jewellery. You can choose from a ring, earrings or pendant. There will be coffee or tea with something sweet.


Date: Thursday 9 January or Friday 28 February

Time: 18:30 - 22:00

Location: Galerie Nouverture, Walstraat 18 Enschede.

Costs: € 45.00 per person including adapted material. Costs of stone with setting and chain are excluded.

Registration:  Send an email to Anita van Dijk: f.a.vandijk@utwente.nl