XRM workshop 2018

We are pleased to announce that the X-ray metrology workshop (XRM) is becoming a good tradition in the Netherlands. The XRM 2018 will be organized at the Utrecht University (The Netherlands) from 22nd till 23rd of May 2018.

Scope of the Workshop

This year we are planning to focus on the quantitative analysis of spectroscopic and diffraction X-ray data. The workshop will take two days. During the first day we will divide the workshop in parallel sessions focused on three aspects of material characterization:

Microstructure and nano-geometry: X-ray diffraction and scattering;

Spectroscopic analysis of chemical composition: EXAFS and XRF;

Thin films characterization: X-ray reflectivity and X-ray standing waves.

During these sessions you will obtain hands-on experience with the analysis of data of the respective techniques.

During the second day a set of lectures with examples of X-ray characterization techniques will be given.

Important dates:

April 15: deadline for the registration of posters

April 20: confirmation of the workshop program

22-23 May: workshop

Registration fee:

150 Euros for both days, free for invited speakers


Further information, registration and abstract submission: http://www.anorg.chem.uu.nl/index.html

Email: XRMworkshop2018@uu.nl

Organization The X-ray metrology workshop is organized by

Florian Meirer (UU), Frank de Groot (UU), Igor Makhotkin (UT), Andrei Petoukhov (UU)

Supporting Organizations

Malvern Panalytical, MCEC