Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) Workshop 2019
Thursday 13 June 2019
MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Wednesday 29 May 2019: registration deadline for the LEIS workshop 2019
Description and Aim
The annual European LEIS Users Workshop will be organised at the University of Twente. During this one day workshop, researchers involved in surface analysis with Low-Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) and related techniques can exchange their most recent results and experiences. The aim is to provide an informal and effective platform for discussing the LEIS technique and promote the use of LEIS as an analytical tool for surface and thin film analysis with ultimate sensitivity. We invite researchers using LEIS and related techniques, scientists working on theory of ion scattering and researchers with interest for application of the LEIS technique to join this meeting.
In the workshop programme there is space for short contributions on analysis with LEIS and development of the technique. Poster contributions can also be accommodated. Moreover, also informal discussion sessions will be organised, where users and researchers interested in the LEIS technique can exchange results and ideas.
The registration form can be used for submitting an abstract for a poster and/or for suggesting topics for discussion sessions.
Preliminary Programme
Thursday 13 June 2019 - U Parkhotel (De Veldmaat 8, 7522 NM Enschede) | ||
time | duration | topic |
09:30 | 00:30 | Registration and welcome with coffee/tea |
10:00 | 00:05 | Fred Bijkerk (University of Twente) |
10:05 | 00:15 | Thomas Grehl (IONTOF) |
10:20 | 00:20 | Shreya Nandi (Université de Lille) |
10:40 | 00:30 | Coffee/tea and posters |
11:10 | 00:20 | Barbara Bruckner (Uppsala University) |
11:30 | 00:20 | Stanislav Prusa (CEITEC BUT) |
11:50 | 00:20 | Hidde Brongersma (Eindhoven University of Technology and IONTOF) |
12:10 | 01:20 | Lunch and posters |
13:30 | 00:20 | Anirudhan Chandrasekaran (UT) |
13:50 | 00:20 | Philipp Brüner (IONTOF) |
14:10 | 00:20 | Robert Brüninghoff (UT) |
14:30 | 00:15 | Rik ter Veen (Tascon) |
14:45 | 00:15 | Andrey Zameshin (UT) |
15:00 | 00:10 | Discussion of spectra fitting and possible other discussion topics |
15:10 | 00:30 | Coffee/tea and room for further discussion - question/answer session |
15:40 | 00:20 | Concluding remarks |
16:00 | End of meeting | |
Informal lab visit can be arranged | ||
Posters: |
| |
Pavel Babik (CEITEC) | ||
Cristiane Stilhano Vilas Boas (UT) | ||
Zainab Aman (UT) | ||
Linus Schönström (Uppsala University) |
Workshop venue will be the newly opened U Parkhotel, located at the campus of the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (www.uparkhotel.nl).
We have tentatively reserved hotel rooms in nearby hotels for participants who wish to arrive the day before the meeting at a rate of 79,50 up to 96,50 euro per night for a single room (excl. breakfast and tax). In case you would like to reserve a room, you can indicate this on the registration form.
For participants arriving already during the afternoon of Wednesday 12 June, we organise a dinner at the U Parkhotel. If you would like to join this dinner, please indicate so upon registration.
important dates
Please note the following deadlines and important dates:
Wednesday 29 May 2019: registration deadline for the LEIS workshop 2019
Friday 12 May 2019: deadline hotel reservation for allocated rooms, after this date the hotel cannot keep rooms reserved for participants of this meeting. Registration is still possible after this date, but accommodation is not guaranteed.
Organisation / Contact
The LEIS Users Meeting 2019 will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Fred Bijkerk and Dr. Marko Sturm from the XUV Optics group at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
Meeting organisation:
Mrs. Carin Krijnen (secretary)
Dr. ir. Marko Sturm
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (53) 489 2863
E-mail: leisworkshop2019@utwente.nl
Conference Hotel U Parkhotel:
De Veldmaat 8
7522 NM Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (53) 433 13 66
E-mail: info@uparkhotel.nl
Route description and a campus map