- Know the regulations and instructions.
- Be prepared to know the experiments and know the safety issues.
Laboratory Regulations
- Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited.
- No jackets and bags in the lab → in the lockers on floors 3 and 2.
- No use of mobile phones; no music.
- Dense, stable shoes;
- Legs covered;
- Long hair bound to a tail or knot.
- Use Laboratory coat and safety glasses (Only in the Lab).
- Gloves:
- As indicated at the specific experiments or safety sheets.
- Not for use of equipment → use a free bare hand.
- 4 categories of liquid waste → in vessels in the fume hood
- Solid waste in the black clamp vessels.
- Small waste: collect on the working area
- Liquid → beaker → waste container → rinsing → cleaning.
- Volatile liquids: let vapours in fume hood → solid remains in black clamp vessel.
- Solid → in a waste bag → in black barrel → new bag in the holder.
- Cleaning glassware: rinse 3x with tap-water + 3x with demineralized-water → dishwasher/re-use.
Spill – mess – accident:
- Report first to guidance
- Direct evacuation if necessary
- Cleaning according to the regulations
- New gloves and a new worksheet
Safety resources:
- Eye-showers at the sinks
- Full-body-shower in the corridor close to laboratory exit
- Fire extinguishers
Calamity in the lab
- Inform assistance
- Call 2222 (only in case of an emergency in your own lab)
- Put down all you have in your hands safely
- Leave the lab and go to Horst canteen (meeting point) via the indicated route (keep lab coat and safety glasses on; leave all other stuff in the lab.)
- Check-in with your supervisor at the meeting point; hand in your coat and glasses; Wash your hands; wait for further instructions.
- Instruction Video
Link to ARBO instructions TNW: