UTFacultiesTNWDept NEMResearchPINFarewell symposium Thom Palstra

Farewell symposium Thom Palstra

On Friday, October 11th, 2024, Thom Palstra will retire from his position as professor at the University of Twente. His fascination for materials science started at the University of Leiden and continued at Shell Research, Bell Laboratories and the University of Groningen to his current position.

The title of his Valedictory Lecture will be: "Fascination for Materials"

In the morning (10-14h) there will be a symposium of lifetime colleagues.
The symposium is entitled “Progress and Current Challenges in Electronic Materials”. It takes place in Waaier 2.
Speakers include:

he Valedictory Lecture of Thom Palstra will start at 15h also in Waaier 2. After the lecture, the reception will be held from 16-18h in the restaurant of the Waaier.

Before the farewell lecture, coffee and tea will be served in the Foyer of the Waaier building, starting 14h.

For more information, contact s.a.m.terhedde-sloot@utwente.nl