During the yearly congress held by technology foundation STW this 3rd October in the Nieuwegein’s Business Center three prestigious prizes were awarded. Prof.dr.ir. Mark van Loosdrecht won the coveted Meester-prize for his contributions in developing new techniques to purify water. The prize money of 500.000 euro will go a long way to help realize this research. Dr. Ir. Nienke Bosschaart truly earned the Gezel-prize with her empathetic speech on non-invasive spectroscopic detection of jaundice in newborn children. A prize of 5000 euros is attached to the award for further development of Nienke’s scientific career. | |
Nienke Bosschaart deservedly wins the Gezel-prijs |
The poster made by Ivan Stojanovic (MCBP) and Arjen Pit (PCF) from the University of Twente showed their STW funded research and was rewarded with the Simon Stevin Leerling-prize. Ivan works on specific detection of molecules excreted by cancer cells, while Arjen works on cell-containing drop manipulation in microchips. The combination of these two techniques promises a quick diagnosis of a patient’s type of cancer. This personalized approach allows to use cancer drugs targeted to this specific type of cancer, which in turn results in less drug-induced negative side-effects for the patient. After Ivan’s eloquent two minute presentation of the poster a large majority of the audience (58%) voted for this project. Arjen and Ivan happily take home 1000 euros. The poster can be viewed as an interactive Prezi HERE. | ||
Arjen (left) and Ivan posing in front of their poster | ||